A little story about us…
2019 Kayla and her Husband Dakota began renting a small country property outside of Carthage Ontario.
Spring of 2020 before Covid began, Kayla convinced Dakota to buy a chicken coop and 4 chickens. This began the adventure of homesteading for Kayla.
She quickly fell in love. She started her own garden that summer, expanded into more chickens and ducks. As well as goats.
During this time Kayla had been working as a Personal Support Worker in the community.
In 2022, Kayla began the hobby of beekeeping with her father in law, Gord. Gord has been beekeeping for 25+ years in Huron County.
After 7 years working in health care Kayla quit her job to stay home with her children, who are 2 and 1.
In 2023, Kayla decided to take on the endeavour of keeping 10 hives at her home property as well as helping her father in law with his just outside of Ethel Ontario.
She dove head first into the full time world of beekeeping while also working at a local flower farm and raising her two young children. Kayla and her husband also raise laying hens, broiler birds and goats.
In 2024 Kayla and her family moved onto her families home farm. Where they’ve been renovating and restoring the home that’s been in her family since 1910. Kayla has big plans to with this farm and plans to continuing to expanding her business.
The business currently offers a variety of flavoured honey made from unpasteurized Ontario honey, beeswax products including body products, candles and reusable beeswax wraps. All made within a Public Health inspected kitchen with the highest quality ingredients. As well as flowers through the summer months.
Kayla is passionate about volunteering with local groups educating them in the world of bees, gardening, homesteading and pollination. She spends many days out in community teaching as well as provides workshops to the community